
How To Set Asset Tag In Bios

For anyone that would like to set an Asset Tag on their ThinkPad once the device is under management with either Intune or MobileIron, this post can provide a way of helping you achieve this.

For those that are unaware, there is a Windows Utility to Read and Write Asset ID Information provided by Lenovo, specifically for ThinkPad.  With this utility, you are able to set asset ID information such every bit an Owner Name, Possessor Location, Asset Number and several other pieces of information.  Per the ReadMe, here's a listing of what tin exist gear up with the tool:

USERDEVICE          <Field1>  -  These fields are divers by the user.
                       :         The maximum number of user fields is v.






                           IPADDRESS[n]   (1<=northward<=NUMNICS, default is 1)

Notation: The USERASSETDATA.ASSET_NUMBER is available through WMI by querying the SMBIOSAssetTag field of the Win32_SystemEnclosure class.


What's highlighted to a higher place is what'south in the sample PowerShell script below, which can be deployed using the Intune Management Extension or MobileIron Cloud with Bridge.

              $url              =              ""              # URL to WinAIA Utility              $path              =              "              $(              $              env:ProgramData)              \Lenovo\WinAIA"              $pkg              =              "giaw03ww.exe"              # Create temp directory for utility and log output file              if              (!(Test-Path              -Path              $path)) {              Write-Host              "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"              Write-Host              "Creating Lenovo Directory"              Write-Host              "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"              New-Particular              -Path              $path              -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }              # Download utility via HTTPS              Write-Host              "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"              Write-Host              "Downloading WinAIA Utility"              Write-Host              "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"              Start-BitsTransfer              -Source              $url              -Destination              "$path\$pkg"              # Set location of WinAIA Package and extract contents              Set-Location              -Path              $path              $extractSwitch              =              "/VERYSILENT /DIR=.\ /Extract=Yep"              Offset-Process              "$path\$pkg"              -ArgumentList              $extractSwitch              -Wait              # Variable for last 5 numbers of Unique ID              $uuid              = (Get-CimInstance              -Namespace root/CIMV2 -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystemProduct).UUID.SubString(30)              # Fix Owner Data with WinAIA Utility.  These are sample values and can be changed.              Write-Host              "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"              Write-Host              "Writing Asset Owner Data"              Write-Host              "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"              .\WinAIA64.exe -silent -set              "OWNERDATA.OWNERNAME=Lenovo"              .\WinAIA64.exe -silent -fix              "OWNERDATA.DEPARTMENT=Commercial Deployment Readiness Squad"              .\WinAIA64.exe -silent -set              "OWNERDATA.LOCATION=Morrisville,NC"              # Set Asset Number.  Bachelor through WMI past querying the SMBIOSASSetTag field of the Win32_SystemEnclosure class              # Example shows the $uuid is prefixed with CDRT.  This tin exist replaced equally you see fit.              Write-Host              "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"              Write-Host              "Setting Nugget Tag"              Write-Host              "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"              .\WinAIA64.exe -silent -set              "USERASSETDATA.ASSET_NUMBER=CDRT-$uuid"              # AIA Output file              Write-Host              "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"              Write-Host              "Outputting AIA Text File"              Write-Host              "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"              .\WinAIA64.exe -silent -output-file              "$path\aia_output.txt"              -go OWNERDATA              # Remove Package              Write-Host              "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"              Write-Host              "Removing Packet"              Write-Host              "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"              Remove-Particular              -LiteralPath              $path\$pkg              -Strength

 MobileIron Deployment

Save the sample script and go to your MobileIron Deject panel.  Click on the Configurations tab and select to Add a new configuration

Blazon in Bridge in the configuration search field and select MobileIron Span

Ascertain a name and either drag/drib the .ps1 file to the panel or manually choose to search and upload it

Continue through the distribution and assignments wizard to complete the MI Bridge Configuration

Intune Deployment

Salvage the sample script and go to your Intune management portal.  Click on the Device Configurations blade and select PowerShell Scripts

 Click Add

Enter a name and upload the file

Assign to users or devices grouping(s)

In one case deployed to the target clients, you can double check by running the control WinAIA.exe -get

Th due east post-obit window will pop up to show what's been gear up.  The -output-file switch also dumps a txt file that shows this as well.

You can as well query the smbiosassettag property of the win32_systemenclosure class to meet the updated tag. (a reboot may be required).


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